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sile tinggalkan cap jari kaki anda =]

Khamis, 17 Februari 2011

forward = susah sgt ke??

assalamualaikum bloggers cik siput...hah!!cik siput ade sumthng nk ckp...
post sblum nie cik siput kte cik siput nk make new blog kan cos rmai yg komen sush nk follow cik siput...but now....
i've changed my mind..cewah..speaking bgai plak..haha
snie cik siput dh mitk kbnran ngan CIK ILYA kite nie nk forward die pnyer tips untk follow blog...so..check it out frens~~

'Susah sgt ker??'
hurmm,,,ak nk tnyer niy susah sgt ker nk folloe ak??,,,hurm,,,act ader larh org komen kat shoutbox ak,,,hurm,,,act snang jer,,,u'olls ader 2 care act,,,,k meh ak ckp,,,,first,cre niy mmg dah bese,,,u'olls just klik button follow kat ats skali tu,,yg dkt sgt dhn header ak tu,,n then sign in jer larh acc aper u'olls gne mse tuh??,,,k faham??,,, n then cre lagi satu niy,,,act cre niy lmbt sket lar,,hurm,,,first u'olls pergi ker Dashboard bloggie u'olls,,,then tekan button 'Add',,lps tuh u'olls copy n paste jer bl0ggie URL ak niy,,,,ala yg niy >>  http://siputberenang.blogspot.com/,,,,faham??
k larh act 2 cre tu jer yg ak taw,,hehe,,,sory larh ye klu ader antare u'olls yg susah nk f0ll0e bloggie ak niy,,hehe,,,harap cre2 di ats berkesan yep,,,kalau u'olls nk taw,,ak folloe org mcm tu larh,,hehe,,,k larh,,dat's all,,

hah...dh bce??so kamukamu...awkawk...meh2 follow cik siput smule..cik siput hrap korg phm la ngan tips yg CIK ILYA bg tu ye...
slamt mengFOLLOW =]

Jumaat, 4 Februari 2011

sume readers n followers cik siput WAJIB bace!!!

assalamualaikum w.b.t~~
to all readers cik siput..kt snie cik siput nak umum kan yg blog cik siput ade msalah teknikal..
widget followers cik siput xleh di add...nape erk??ade sesape yg bleh tlg cik siput??ble cik siput nak add it said 'please correct the error on this form' lebh kurg cmtu r...hurm...cik siput da xtaw nak wat cmne..so..to all readers...cik siput maybe akan buke one more blog...and ttup acc blog nie..tp sgale jnis gadget cik siput xkan tukr...so korg akn kenl ngan cik siput,... =)
6tikan kmunculan blog cik siput yg bru tp xbrubh..haha...cm lwak je...xlwak??xpelah...it's okeyp...
tp cik siput hrap sgt korg akn still jd follower cik siput even blog tu dh tukr acc...
okeyp sume...

esok cik siput kne blik ostel...so lg 2-3 mggu bru la kte bleh jupe smle...
jgn sombong2 ngan cik siput erk..hehehe...

Selasa, 1 Februari 2011

face the 25 facts =]

cik siput dh di tagged oleh miss ♥ Little Jibam Secret ♥...die surh cik siput snaraikn 25 random things tntg cik siput....mknenye cik siput kne memBLANDER dlu la otak cik siput nie....
haha...ok la tu...25 je..ilek dh la cik siput..muahahahai..
so..kt bwh nie rules atau lbih kpd arahan nye..
here we go... =]

''Once you have been tagged, you are suppose to write a note, with 25 random things,facts,habits or goal about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tag you, it's because I want to know more about you. Your cooperation is highly appreciated"

  1. law dpt izin dr Allah,nk jd p0lis yg berpangkat TINGGI/BESAR.. ;]
  2. mudh mesra tp org rmai slh anggp ngn mke GARANG cik siput...xbaek taw.. ;]
  3. rmai org pnggil OJA,n that nme my tok wan trsyg yg bg =]
  4. sush snyum eventhough mudh mesre..so,kne pndai2 la ye...haha =]
  5. kdg2 sorg yg pemalu..tp ade jugk kdg2 bwat2 mke xmalu..haha =]
  6. pde 15/2 stiap taun akn naik tangge mnju ary tue =]
  7. xske backstabbers/hipokrit/penipu/pemalas* (kdg2 je ade sindro0m 2) ;D
  8. boleh jd pendengar..tp bukn pendgr yg SGT baek =]
  9. dh pegang byk rhsie org yg xmungkin akn dibocorkn sesuke aty =]
  10. law bab study...ske sgt wat keje last minute..=p
  11. xsuke kaki bodek!!!kau kaki bodek??blah dr id0p aku!!
  12. jgn bwat mke xbrslah dpn ak pdahal kau la dajjal sgale kjahatn!! =)
  13. pntang org ckp besar n berlagak kaye tp habuk p0n tadaaa!~~ =,='
  14. xske org yg pndg org lain scare negatif!
  15. sgt ske tlong mak kt dapur trutame time masak n MAKAN!! =D
  16. ske menghabiskn duit mak bapak =P
  17. xske manusie yg knon2 Xnk mnunjuk pdahal jelas ats dahi 'AKU NK TUNJUK KT SUME ORG PE YG AKU ADE'!!!huh!
  18. ske tlong org KALAU 'she/he' mitk tlong... =]
  19. ade mak ayh yg sgt penyayang n memahami+sporting.. ;D
  20. sentiase berdoa agr success in the SPM'11 n so on...
  21. nk masuk University of Manchester/UMIST..
  22. xpenah naik kpal trbg..winkwink ;D
  23. nk pegi mekah ngan sume ahli kuager... Aminnnnnn~~
  24. hope dpt jupe Mr.Right yg spadn n yg bt0l2 memhami =}
  25. skema maybe for this last year at SMKML=]

haha....that's all jela tntg cik siput law korg nk taw...hehe..rse mcm xckup je 25 nie kn??haha..pe la..k.la..mate dh kuyu..jari dh layu...lmpu p0n cm dh sayu smcm je..haha..oh ye..sblum trlupe..cik siput kne tagged 25 org erk??err~~cik siput nk...sape yg bace this post WAJIB amik this post..to all my readers and followers k??
that's all peeps...nites~~


UM NELANG!!!!!!!



hah...sblum terlambt + terlewat...cik siput nk kongsi citer pling SWEET MOMENT lah org kte lam taun nie...bg cik siput la dn AWOK-AWOK..haha sblum tu meh cik siput terng sket2 kt readers sume psal skul cik siput yg TERCHENTA nie..hehe...

skul nie nme mak lagam..dkt kmaman,trengganu...stiap skul msti ade umah sukan..rite??haha..tp skul nie juz ubh skit nme2 umah sukan kpd nme UNI...ok that's all...mls la nk trg pnjg2...gmbr kt ats kn dh ade...kn2??hehe...cik siput nie plak AHLI/PENGIKUT SETIE ahli umah sukan UM....haha...
yg lg membanggekn umah UM MENANG lam TEC taun nie WOOKKK..haha..even cik siput xlah sumbng byk sgt mate2 tu kn...tp ade lah jugk hasil titik peluh msam cik siput nie pd umah UM...haha
tag line um taun nie UM NELANG...hehe...memg nelang..
NELANG tu lam loghat ganu...nelang=gagah.. =]

ok lah...pape hal..cik siput persembahkn gmbr2 nie untk korg cuci mate..
UM MEMG NELANG!!!haha..chaiyo0k2!!

haha...smpt lg posing mse nk bce Quran??ish3...

persembahan war cry umah UM =]

persembahan war cry umah UKM

persembahan war cry umah USM

persembahan war cry umah UPM

awok-awok...even berlawan..kwn ttp kwn =D

lepas tmt mjlis =]

best bile jupe awok2 sporting+sempoi+sekpale...


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